Digital Happiness at Steam Dev Days Seattle, Washington

(Archived) Digital Happiness at steam Dev Days Seattle, Washington. Yes, last week we have the opportunity to attend the event. Steam Dev Days is a closed invitation for Steam developer only from AAA to indie developer, 2 days of workshop and sharing about Steam business model, achievement and future plan.

The biggest showcase is Steam Machine, Steam OS, Steam integrated VR and their revolutionary Steam Controller. As Steam developer, we learn a lot about Steam customer based approach, their marketing tips, Community driven User Generated content, and lot more. Their ability to elevate their already huge success with over 75 million active users, it’s really inspiring. We also got a Steam Controller and….Steam Machine from Valve.Those items are not available for public until mid year 2014 and we got one…yaaayyy.

The event was outstanding…really, we are very lucky to become part of the event.

Oh, and for the last surprise (after all those fancy thing they provide) we got The Presidents Of The United States performed at the after party….Great!!!