Dread Universe 6 Years Anniversary

Hello everyone,
During these exceptional times, we would like to say our proper thanks to all of your support.
6 years ago, DreadOut was born from a mere dream. Started from this piece of paper 🙂

And with all of your support, we can continue making something that we loved for, making video games. With the growing and more diverse content being widely received by gamers, we hope that our game is able to show a small glimpse of our culture in a unique way, which was being rarely presented in video games.

Along these years, we are still continuing to learn how to make proper video games that can capture the hearts and minds of players all around the world. That being said it was easier said than done, and we are hoping we can both grow together in the next decade or more. Stay tuned for any future releases and upcoming updates from us! 🙂

All the best,
Digital Happiness